
How to Answer Interview Questions About Working From Home

We also look specifically for people who are highly self-motivated, with a natural inclination toward working closely with a team. Remote work is ideal for people who prefer isolation over collaboration, but our company’s structure is very team-oriented, so we look for people who are interested in that sense of connection. Since we’re very community-driven, we also lean toward candidates who have been involved with a community for a while, or have ran a business/freelance consultancy for a couple years. That said, one of the best benefits of remote work is flexibility, when the job allows for it.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment.

Knowing how work will intersect with your personal life will matter. The transition to a new hybrid approach to on-site and remote work requires careful planning. They should be a good self-starter that doesn’t have to be micromanaged. It’s extremely hard to micromanage remotely and not something that we want to have to do. We look for people that don’t just have certain skillsets, but who also have proven results at previous jobs. Before remote, we could sit a newbie down with an expert and have them learn as much as possible. We haven’t found a way to translate that experience to remote working yet.

Facilitate opportunities for learning

When it’s happening in the shadow of a national health emergency, like the pandemic of 2020, it can add an extra layer of discomfort and uncertainty. Without a manager nearby , it’s easy for people to get distracted or lose their drive. The answer will speak to the candidate’s motivation and ability to get the job done when there’s nothing motivating them except themselves.

  • Ability to understand, and adapt to, the workplace culture, as well as the particular demands it places upon you.
  • Time spent on coordination activities and meetings also increased, while uninterrupted work hours shrank.
  • 59% of Australian knowledge workers feel their organisation has onboarded new-hires well.
  • When you’re asked about what kinds of work environments you prefer, you should be as honest as possible.
  • More than 4.5 million people in the U.S. voluntarily left their jobs in November.
  • We look for people who have shown initiative and ability to work independently and place a high value on those who have previously worked remotely.

It means they have already learned how to manage their time and organize their day for working from home. It also usually means they like it and appreciate that style of work, versus someone who might think it sounds appealing but discover they miss the hubbub of a busy office environment. One thing we’ve found is that the more entrepreneurial-spirited candidates tended to have a harder time focusing on the tasks at hand when working remotely. I think the nature of remote work gives a sense of freedom, as it should.

Infographic: People want working from home to stick after the pandemic subsides

Outside of work, her passions include spending time with her greyhound, advocating for the Oxford comma, and enjoying really great tea. Be sure to provide work from home experience more than one way for employees to share their thoughts. For example, you might have an “always-on” Slack channel dedicated to employee feedback.

  • Similarly, if an applicant has difficulty following instructions during the application process, this is an indicator that communication could be an issue later on.
  • The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories.
  • As previously discussed, when teammates are more interdependent on one another, they need more coordination of schedules and time in person.
  • If your current preferred work environment spiel involves vacation days and pet peeves, please keep reading or you’re likely going to flunk out with your answer.
  • Yours might be a “getting started” routine at another time of day.

One person’s productivity booster can be another’s distracting disaster. If you’re still newer to the remote workforce, start by simply finding out where you do your best work and why. Thanks to the world’s largest remote working experiment, we’re learning about what works and what doesn’t. Physical workplaces are often much better at creating healthy workdays for people, with more balanced, nutritious food services, a more ergonomic work environment, better air quality, and a whole host of other benefits.

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